Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Top 10 Disney Moments - Number 3

Is it okay to have a list within a list that's not necessarily related to the list it is embedded in?

Here are some best of moments that will stand out in my mind, and do not have accompanying pictures.

a) Best Moment when you are not supposed to laugh but it is really hard not to - Derek and Scott get bit by fire ants on our beach. Apparently it stings.

b) Best Quote - On the biggest family raft ride in North America Derek calmly stating that "This is the worst ride of my entire life."

c) Best Beverage - Pina Colavas

d) Best Glad it wasn't my kid moment - girl steps on baby duck - it's not all magic at Disney

e) Best Worst Parenting Moment - becoming that parent and making Mitchell go on the Star Tours ride (in my defense - he liked it last year)


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