Sunday, September 20, 2009

Top 10 Disney Moments - Number 10

Rather than a travelogue entry I've decided to post my 10 favourite Disney moments. Here is number 10.

This year we stayed at the Polynesian resort which is right on the monorail and SUPER convenient. So even though we had gotten into Florida at 3:00 (in the car on the way to the airport) and were travel weary, it was just as easy to go to the Magic Kingdom for dinner as it was to eat at our hotel (and the counter service food there was MUCH better). Everybody was in a good mood, we knocked off a couple of rides, and Derek got some Mickey Mouse stickers which he put on his arms. Why? That is his preferred sticker location, which looks great in pictures and they come off so easily (sarcasm- in case you wondered). Still seeing him hanging on the rails at the speedtrack with his Mickey stickers is one of the images that will stay with me after this trip.


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