Saturday, October 21, 2006

Doggie and Draggie

These are the kids' best friends; Doggie is Derek's and Draggie belongs to Mitchell. Every night these toys are clutched tightly by the boys as they nod off. Many mornings they also accompany the kids to the table to "watch" them eat their breakfast.

One day Wal-Mart had Draggie's on sale so I bought another one (a brotha from anotha motha - I don't know if that makes sense to anyone???) just in case the original Draggie began to lose his stuffing. Instead, Draggie 2 is now housed at the daycare and seems to be the trick for getting Mitchell to lay down for a nap, instead of terrorizing all the other children "who are normally sleeping in the afternoon" (quote Connie).

Anyway, now on the search for a Doggie the Second...just in case...


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