Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Monkey See, Monkey Do

Before we left the African Lion Safari we decided to drive through the park once more. Our first time through we enjoyed watching the monkeys, but I was a little disappointed that none of them jumped on our van. Of course a lot of the other drivers were throwing food out their windows to attract the monkeys and we weren't. However, it was funny to watch them licking the rain drops off the hoods and roofs of other vehicles.

I thought we were out of luck the second time too, until just on the last bend a bunch of monkeys climbed on for a ride and covered our van with monkey paw prints. The funniest part was this little monkey that tried to jump onto the van. We watched him make an attempt to jump onto the roof of another van and he hit the window and slid down - it looked like a move from a cartoon. Then he tried again on our van - window - splat - slide down the side. The kids still imitate that move today.

The poor guy in the van beside us was having all his trim removed by the monkeys and we felt bad for him. Then we noticed a monkey on the back window with a piece of our trim in his mouth. We decided then that it was time to move on and luckily our damage was minimal.

Mitchell will tell you his favourite part was the seeing the giraffe, who looked right into our window, and the train ride.

I liked the monkeys and the baby elephants - they were too cute!

I was going to post more pics but blogger won't let me - ugh! maybe later.


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