Saturday, October 28, 2006


Although I have only known him for two years - if all the cherished memories I have were spread out they would stretch on forever (Picoult)

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Doggie and Draggie

These are the kids' best friends; Doggie is Derek's and Draggie belongs to Mitchell. Every night these toys are clutched tightly by the boys as they nod off. Many mornings they also accompany the kids to the table to "watch" them eat their breakfast.

One day Wal-Mart had Draggie's on sale so I bought another one (a brotha from anotha motha - I don't know if that makes sense to anyone???) just in case the original Draggie began to lose his stuffing. Instead, Draggie 2 is now housed at the daycare and seems to be the trick for getting Mitchell to lay down for a nap, instead of terrorizing all the other children "who are normally sleeping in the afternoon" (quote Connie).

Anyway, now on the search for a Doggie the Second...just in case...

Friday, October 20, 2006


A bit late for a Thanksgiving post, but oh well... I'm still thankful.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


A couple of weekends ago we took the kids to the corn maze. The guy, when finding out it was our first time, asked if we were out of town. When we replied no, he said "way to go, you finally made it here after seven years". I didn't realize the maze was a requirement of living in our small city. Anyway, it was pretty fun until we passed marker four about four times and had to be "rescued".

Thursday, October 05, 2006

It's a Wrap...

Finally getting around to posting about the rest of the film festival weekend. Great movies - period. In order, I liked The Fall (tried to convince the Chatham Film Group to look into getting that one), a close second was the Bothersome Man (the subway scene was uncomfortably funny, especially with the woman laughing hysterically at the back of the theatre), Rescue Dawn (an incredible line just to get in the theatre, and my first brush with a celebrity - if you can call it that), Cages and Pampilest (sp?) tied (though I would like to see Pampilest again now that I know the twist at the end), 7 Ans (a bit of movie fatigue was setting in by that point) and Kinshasha's Palace (glad we saw that one first).

On Sunday we saw a number of stars: Dustin Hoffman walking toward us on a deserted Toronto sidewalk (how often does that happen?), Ed Harris, Parker Posey, Adrien Grenier, Eugene Levy, Jason Biggs, the crazy sister from Wedding Crashers, the agent lady and nephew from Joey. It was crazy. I'd have lots of pictures to post if the battery in my camera didn't go dead.

The best part was just hanging out just with Scott for 48 hours - it's been a long time since we've done that. Can't wait until next year!!!