Monday, April 18, 2011

On the Phone

This is Mitchell on the phone with a girl, making arrangements to meet in Club Penguin. We have to work on some phone etiquette though because at one point I heard him say, "So, are we done talking now?"

When he heard me telling Scott that a girl called him, he said, "So what. I've talked to girls on the phone before, I've talked to Grandma and Aunt Jill."

Friday, April 15, 2011

The New List

A mix of the old and new...

1. Write and mail an actual letter
2. Ski a bigger hill
3. Execute a grand act of random kindness
4. Try a new recipe
5. Watch the British office
6. Run a 5K
7. Explore the Sarnia Farmers Market
8. Finish 2010 Project Life book
9. Read 4 books that I have on my shelf
10. Complete a guerilla art project
11. Visit Storybook gardens
12. Lay on a foreign beach
13. Try a thai massage
14. Visit the Drake
15. Redecorate something
16. Set a cool table
17. Sip a new drink on a sunny patio and record it
18. Complete a year of fitness
19. Host a craft night
20. Wrap as a work of art
21. Set up an awesome dessert buffet
22. Cut something
23. Watch more movies outside
24. See Chicago
25. Perfect my rusty cartwheel
26. Host Mom's family for dinner
27. See a famous landmark
28. Become a member of TIFF
29. Develop professionally
30. Ride in a paddle boat
31. Spend more time with friends
32. Eat more radishes
33. Ask a question
34. De-clutter something
35. Get a pair of white sunglasses
36. Go camping
37. Lodge an official complaint
38. Complete the scavenger hunt
39. Discover a new cheese that I love
40. Placeholder for something I decide to do later!

I'll be back in a year to tell you how it turned out :)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

One year later

It's been one year since my last post (as Jeannie so kindly reminded me), so here's an update on the list.

1. Write and mail an actual letter - not done
2. Bike ride with the boys - Many bike rides with Mitchell last year, looking forward to Derek joining us this summer
3. Ski a bigger hill - despite all the snow, absolutely no skiing was done this winter
4. Execute a grand act of random kindness - not done
5. Make cake pops - done and will never be done again
6. Organize my photos - done
7. Get a tattoo (this one's a big maybe) - temporary
8. Learn something musical - done - after almost a year of music for young children with Derek I can play Mary had a Little Lamb and play a G major scale
9. Try a new recipe - several done - Creme Brule was one of my favs
10. Craft something with yarn - not done
11. Watch the British office - not done
12. Learn something new about my camera - done
13. Run a 5K - not done
14. Plan a celebration for Scott's 40th - in the works - a 40th combined celebration trip is being planned
15. Get an autograph at TIFF - done - thanks Dwight from The Office
16. Take a trip with Jill - done - TIFF and Florida during March Break
17. Create a jar of magical thinking - not done
18. Scrapbook with materials I already have - not done
19. Visit the cemetery - done
20. Explore the Sarnia Farmers Market - not done
21. Project 365 - not done
22. Read 2 books that I have on my shelf - done - both at the cottage in Bobcaygeon, one was really good (The Gargoyle) and one was really bad
23. Complete a guerilla art project - not done
24. Visit Storybook gardens - not done
25. Eat outside - done - at the cottage and lots on our back deck during the last few warm days of the year
26. Lay on a foreign beach - sadly not done
27. Test out a new playground - done - two playgrounds in Florida, however both were lame
28. Try a thai massage - not done
29. Visit the Drake - would have been done if not for a wicked snow storm
30. Eat a variety of sushi - done
31. Throw out 39 things from my closet - done
32. Redecorate something - not done
33. Set a cool table - not done
34. Order some great wine - half done - drank a lot of great wine
35. Grow something - done - meant to be vegetables, ended up being my hair
36. Learn how to link on the blog - not done, would have had to visit the blog
37. Sip a new drink on a sunny patio - done?? - surely this must have been done but I can't remember
38. Try a new treatment at a spa - done - during WWW I had a special head and neck massage
39. Placeholder for something I decide I want to do later :) - done - fake skydiving in a wind tunnel ended up here

Well, didn't even get half of this list done but it still was a great year! Next post: 40 things before I turn 41!