Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Number 5

After one failed batch, I successfully made cake pops (as seen at bakerella.com) for Easter dinner at my Aunt Joyce's. This will be the one and only time that I make cake pops, unless I suffer from a severe memory lapse.... One list item crossed off!

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

April 2, 2010

Today I turned 39, one more year until the big one. It was a delightful day with an Easter fest and a yummy perch dinner with Scott, the boys and mom and dad.

I've seen this idea on some other blogs and I'm going to give it a try. Here's 39 things I'd like to do before I turn 40...

1. Write and mail an actual letter
2. Bike ride with the boys
3. Ski a bigger hill
4. Execute a grand act of random kindness
5. Make cake pops
6. Organize my photos
7. Get a tattoo (this one's a big maybe)
8. Learn something musical
9. Try a new recipe
10. Craft something with yarn
11. Watch the British office
12. Learn something new about my camera
13. Run a 5K
14. Plan a celebration for Scott's 40th
15. Get an autograph at TIFF
16. Take a trip with Jill
17. Create a jar of magical thinking
18. Scrapbook with materials I already have
19. Visit the cemetery
20. Explore the Sarnia Farmers Market
21. Project 365
22. Read 2 books that I have on my shelf
23. Complete a guerilla art project
24. Visit Storybook gardens
25. Eat outside
26. Lay on a foreign beach
27. Test out a new playground
28. Try a thai massage
29. Visit the Drake
30. Eat a variety of sushi
31. Throw out 39 things from my closet
32. Redecorate something
33. Set a cool table
34. Order some great wine
35. Grow something
36. Learn how to link on the blog
37. Sip a new drink on a sunny patio
38. Try a new treatment at a spa
39. Placeholder for something I decide I want to do later :)